Catherine Chammartin | Innoscape Talk #4
Juni 2022 von Matthias Niggli (Interviewer). CIEB | Universität Basel
Innovationen und geistiges Eigentum
Auf welche Weise sind geistiges Eigentum und Innovationsprozesse miteinander verknüpft? Was sind die aktuellen Herausforderungen im Bereich des geistigen Eigentums und der Digitalisierung?
Unser vierter Innoscape Talk versucht, diese Fragen zu beantworten. Catherine Chammartin (Direktorin des Eidgenössischen Instituts für Geistiges Eigentum) erklärt, welche Arten von geistigem Eigentum es gibt und warum sie für eine dynamische Innovationslandschaft wichtig sind.
Content of the Interview
00:22 What types of intellectual property rights exist and what are they protecting?
03:32 How important is the intellectual property system for today’s economy?
04:38 What are the main challenges of any intellectual property system?
05:59 What is the role of the Swiss Federal Institute of Intellectual Property?
08:13 Are national regulations for intellectual property rights still the right framework in an increasingly globalized economy?
10:35 What are the most pressing challenges related to intellectual property protection today?
12:16 Did the Covid-19 pandemic affect innovation in Switzerland?
13:48 Is a suspension of intellectual property rights during the Covid-19 pandemic a good policy?
16:10 What are the most important novelties of the new Copyright Act from 2020?
17:51 Could the blockchain technology and non-fungible tokens transform our current IP system?
19:33 How is data related to the intellectual property system?
20:44 Is there an industry where data is lately becoming particularly important for new innovations?
22:25 What challenges brings artificial intelligence for the intellectual property system?
Interview: Matthias Niggli
Question Script: Dragan Filimonovic, Matthias Niggli, Christian Rutzer, Till Schmidlin
Production: dropZone-Productions
Edited: Studio Frich
Disclaimer: The Innoscape Talk series exclusively conveys the opinion of its interviewed experts. It is not intended to represent the position or opinion of the University of Basel or the CIEB. Nor is it the official position of any staff.
Catherine Chammartin ©2022 All Rights Reserved
Center for International Economics and Business | CIEB University of Basel