Pol Antràs | Lecture Series #5

December 2024 von Pol Antràs, Jörg Reinhardt and Rolf Weder

The talk is part of the "Lecture Series on Innovation in the Global Economy". The series provides a platform for renowned researchers in Business and Economics to present their research results and thoughts on “Innovation in the Global Economy” to a broad audience. The events tackle the challenges of globalization and new technologies for society, policy makers and companies.

Fifth lecture: The Power of Multinational Companies: Global Value Chains and the Future of Globalization

Prof. Pol Antràs / Speaker
Click here to read more about Prof. Pol Antràs
Pol Antràs is Robert G. Ory Professor of Economics at Harvard University, where he has taught since 2003. He is a Research Associate at the National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER), where he served as Director of the International Trade and Organization (ITO) Working Group. He is also a Research Affiliate at the Centre for Economic Policy Research (CEPR) and is a member of CESifo’s Research Network. Prof. Antràs made early and pioneering contributions to our understanding of how international trade and production is organized and affected through international firms, global value chains, offshoring, foreign direct investment and trade agreements. His numerous scientific work has typically been published in the top journals of economics, starting with “Firms, Contracts, and Trade Structure” in the Quarterly Jour- nal of Economics in 2003. His book “Global Production: Firms, Contracts and Trade Structure” (Princeton University Press, 2015) has become a widely used standard work in the field. His Ohlin Lectures (2018) on “The Economics of Global Value Chains” are in preparation for publication. Antràs served as an editor of top journals in economics. Among many other distinctions, he was elected Fellow of the Econometric Society in 2015, and Member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences in 2024.

On December 5, 2024, the Center for International Economics and Business (CIEB) hosted a notable public lecture by Prof. Pol Antràs at the University of Basel. The event was part of the broader Lecture Series on Innovation in the Global Economy, designed to address the pressing challenges imposed by globalization and increasing technological competition. The lecture titled "The Power of Multinational Companies: Global Value Chains and the Future of Globalization" attracted a diverse audience eager to gain insights from one of the foremost experts on economic growth and innovation.
Join us for an inspiring event on multinational companies, world trade and the future of global- ization with Prof. Pol Antràs from Harvard Uni- versity (Speaker) and the Chairman of Novartis, Dr. Jörg Reinhardt (Guest on the Panel). The pre- sentation will include two topics: 1. The role of multinational firms in global trade We will learn about the importance of multina- tional firms (and US multinationals in particular) in world trade. Drawing on his forthcoming arti- cle “Exporting, Global Sourcing, and Multina- tional Activity” in RESTAT, Professor Antràs will explain in which way these firms affect world trade. 2. The future of globalization in a changing world Building on his highly-cited 2021 ECB Forum arti- cle “De-Globalisation? Global Value Chains in the Post-COVID-19 Age”, Professor Antràs will show how recent geopolitical changes are reshaping worldwide production in significant ways. After the presentation and the panel discussion, there is time for questions from the audience.