R&D collaborations
Human Capital
Disruptive Technologies
R&D Specialization Patterns
Top economist Aghion: EU must invest more in high tech or lose out to the United States
Neuer Zürcher Zeitung | 13.08.2024 | Philippe Aghion & Peter Fischer (NZZ)Prof. Philippe Aghion has had a critical influence on the economic understanding of economic growth, innovation, and the rise and fall of companies. The French native, who taught at Harvard University for many years, believes that Europe must change if it wants to keep up with the United States.
Research shows science increasingly contributes to innovation
Science|Business | July 2024 |The magazine Science|Business mentioned one of our analyses in an article.
Is global innovation losing its power? (German language)
Die Volkswirtschaft | Mai 2024 | Christian Rutzer & Rolf WederNovartis führt bei KI-Einsatz in Pharmaforschung
Handelsblatt | August 2023 | Britta RybickiSwitzerland’s non-association to Horizon Europe could hit STEM subjects hard - with consequences for innovation
Science|Business | March 2023 |The magazine Science|Business mentioned one of our analyses in an article.
LinkInnoscape-Talks in the Media: Auf der Jagd nach den versteckten Geldsäcken
NZZ am Sonntag | 25.07.2021 | Innoscape Talk with Severin Schwan LinkGefährdet das Fehlen von Mint-Absolventinnen den Innovationsstandort Schweiz?
Neue Zürcher Zeitung | 03.05.2021 | Christian Rutzer & Rolf Weder LinkViele Erfinder wohnen jenseits der Grenze
Die Volkswirtschaft | 04.03.2021 | Matthias Niggli, Christian Rutzer & Rolf Weder LinkGrenzgänger – ein wichtiger Pfeiler für Innovationen «Made in Switzerland»
Basler Zeitung | 30.09.2020 | Rolf Weder, Christian Rutzer & Matthias Niggli LinkDie Innovationskraft der Schweiz wird unterschätzt – dank den Grenzgängern und der Personenfreizügigkeit ist sie höher als gedacht
Neue Zürcher Zeitung | 25.09.2020 | Peter A. Fischer LinkRolf Weder geht in einem Beitrag der Weltwoche auf die Bedeutung offener Volkswirtschaften für Innovationen ein
Weltwoche | 04.06.2022 | Rolf Weder LinkTitle: Switzerland's Inventor Demographic Could Boost its Global Competitiveness
Date: April 2024
Dragan Filimonovic and Christian Rutzer
Title: AI in Pharmaceutical Science
Date: April 2024
Christian Rutzer
Title: Is There a Secular Decline in Disruptive Patents? Correcting for Measurement Bias
Date: March 2024
Jeffrey Macher, Christian Rutzer, and Rolf Weder
Title: Two Steps Forward, One Step Back: Women in Swiss Science and Innovation
Date: August 2023
Matthias Niggli and Christian Rutzer
Title: How challenging is Switzerland’s non-association with Horizon Europe?
Date: June 2023
Dragan Filimonovic, Matthias Niggli, and Christian Rutzer
Title: Digital technologies, technological improvement rates, and innovations “Made in Switzerland”
Date: January 2023
Matthias Niggli and Christian Rutzer
Title: Spreading Out: The Adoption of Disruptive Technologies in Switzerland
Date: October 2022
Matthias Niggli
Title: From scientific paper to patent: The role of basic research for mRNA innovations
Date: May 2022
Dragan Filimonovic and Christian Rutzer
Title: Too little, too late? Switzerland is losing ground in fast-improving technologies
Date: March 2022
Matthias Niggli and Christian Rutzer
Title: Mind The Gap: Non-Western Origin Inventors in the USA and Europe
Date: December 2021
Matthias Niggli and Christian Rutzer
Title: Swiss University Patent Explorer (SUPEx)
Date: December 2021
Dragan Filimonovic, Matthias Niggli and Christian Rutzer
Title: The rise of mRNA Technology
Date: October 2021
Dragan Filimonovic and Christian Rutzer
Title: International collaborations and quality of innovations
Date: September 2021
Dragan Filimonovic and Christian Rutzer
Title: A Gender Gap to More Innovation in Switzerland
Date: May 2021
Matthias Niggli and Christian Rutzer
Title: International R&D Specialization
Date: January 2021
Christian Rutzer and Matthias Niggli
Title: What’s next? Swiss Pharma in the International Innovation Race
Date: December 2020
Christian Rutzer and Matthias Niggli
Title: Cross-border commuting and inventions 'Made in Switzerland'
Date: September 2020
Matthias Niggli, Christian Rutzer and Dragan Filimonovic
Title: Pharma - a driver of innovation and growth in Switzerland
Date: October 2020
Dragan Filimonovic, Christian Rutzer and Matthias Niggli
Title: Philippe Aghion | Innoscape Talk #10
Date: November 2024
Rolf Weder (Interviewer). CIEB | University of Basel
Title: Simon Ittig | Innoscape Talk #9
Date: April 2024
Christian Rutzer (Interviewer). CIEB | University of Basel
Title: Bernd Bucher | Innoscape Talk #8
Date: December 2023
Christian Rutzer (Interviewer). CIEB | University of Basel
Title: Sebastian Welter | Innoscape Talk #7
Date: May 2023
Matthias Niggli (Interviewer). CIEB | University of Basel
Title: Nicholas Bloom | Innoscape Talk #6.2
Date: March 2023
Christian Rutzer (Interviewer). CIEB | University of Basel
Title: Nicholas Bloom | Innoscape Talk #6.1
Date: February 2023
Christian Rutzer (Interviewer). CIEB | University of Basel
Title: Martina Hirayama | Innoscape Talk #5
Date: December 2022
Rolf Weder (Interviewer). CIEB | University of Basel
Title: Catherine Chammartin | Innoscape Talk #4
Date: June 2022
Matthias Niggli (Interviewer). CIEB | University of Basel
Title: Erik Brynjolfsson | Innoscape Talk #3
Date: March 2022
Christian Rutzer (Interviewer). CIEB | University of Basel
Title: Paul Romer | Innoscape Talk #2
Date: September 2021
Rolf Weder (Interviewer). CIEB | Universität Basel
Title: Severin Schwan | Innoscape Talk #1
Date: July 2021
Rolf Weder (Interviewer). CIEB | University of Basel
Title: Philippe Aghion | Lecture Series #4
Date: May 2024
Philippe Aghion, Frank Krysiak and Rolf Weder
Title: Dave Donaldson | Lecture Series #3
Date: November 2023
Dave Donaldson and Rolf Weder
Title: Gene M. Grossmann | Lecture Series #2
Date: May 2023
Gene M. Grossman and Rolf Weder
Title: Bradford J. Jensen | Lecture Series #1
Date: December 2022
Bradford J. Jensen and Rolf Weder
Title: Pol Antràs | Lecture Series #5
Date: December 2024
Pol Antràs, Jörg Reinhardt and Rolf Weder